CSS NAVIGATION MENU Solidblock Purpple
Free CSS NAVIGATION MENU Solidblock Pink
These eleven CSS navigation menus are created using the Sliding Doors technique, and will even work in everyone’s favorite browser Internet Explorer. You may download the entire set and use any way you see fit. You may want to clean up the stylesheet, or alter the menu graphics to suit your needs. All the menus can be used for commercial or private use.
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How to install:
1. Login to your Blogger account of course.
សូមចូលក្នុង account របស់អ្នក
2. Go to your HTML Editor on your blogger dashboard.
បន្ទាប់មកចូលក្នុង HTML Editor
3.No need Tick the Expand Widget Template
មិនចាំបាច់ចុចធិចយកត្រង់ Expand Widget Template
4-Coppy this code into HTML that have like #
លោកអ្នកអាចចម្លងកូដនេះទៅដាក់ក្នុង HTML ដែលមាននិមិត្តសញ្ញាបែបនេះ }
/* Menu
---------------------------------------------- */
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
float: left;
font: bold 13px Arial;
width: 100%;
border: 1px solid #54579C;
border-width: 1px 0;
background: #E8ECED
url("http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s18/auricola/Acessorios/Barra007.gif") center center
.solidblockmenu li{
display: inline;
.solidblockmenu li a{
float: left;
color: #000000;
padding: 9px 11px;
text-decoration: none;
border-right: 1px solid #54579C;
.solidblockmenu li a:visited{
.solidblockmenu li a:hover, .solidblockmenu li .current{
background:#6B70B0 url(media/blockactive.gif) center center repeat-x;
and then Paste Code between id=Wrapper and class=content (see picture below):
លោកអ្នកអាចចម្លងកូដនេះទៅដាក់ between id=Wrapper and class=content៖
<ul class='solidblockmenu'><li><a href='/' target='_blank'><b>Home</b></a></li></ul>
Labels: Templates